PHP, HTML5, CSS/Sass, Bootstrap, JS, jQuery home page desktop and mobile view is the blog subdomain for Relias's Wound Care Education Institute. It was an outdated web property that needed many improvements, which I was able to provide as part of a company-wide rebrand.


When I took over as developer for the site, the blog was hard-coded and static. It did not even respond to different device and screen widths.

WCEI Blog old design
WCEI Blog new design

Mobile responsiveness was non-existent prior to my work on the site

As part of a company-wide rebrand initiative, I had the opportunity to modernize the site and greatly improve user experience. Because I was dealing with a blog, the bread and butter of Wordpress, I built a lean child theme with fundamentals in mind.

WCEI blog author post archive
WCEI blog single post design

New branding and responsive designs made the blog more accessible than before

New features

By creating a new archive setting page in the dashboard, I was able to give content editors the option to adjust signup form settings, change the home page banner, and edit other key areas of the home page and single post pages.

WCEI Blog archive settings
WCEI Blog ACF fields

Advanced Custom Fields allowed me to make turn previously hard-coded values into easily editable content

Flying solo

While UX teams were occupied with designs for other environments, I was able to tap into my design background and reference brand guides to engineer the front end on my own. After minimal feedback and review, I was able to launch the new site theme in two sprints, ahead of schedule. home page desktop and mobile view

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