Wordpress design

Wordpress, HTML5, CSS3, Responsive design

I have worked extensively with Wordpress websites and have a strong understanding of plugins, theme editing and the dashboard. Below are both of the company Wordpress instances I managed in my time at Participate / VIF.

Desktop and mobile views of participate.com / participatelearning.com

After the company rebranded, I worked within a parent theme to create pages and navigation structure alongside a colleague who managed SEO and analytics.

participate.com teacher positions page
participate.com school locations pages

Research into user experience on our previous site gave us the info we needed to build more detailed page designs

Navigating builders

I used my front-end experience to tailor my approach to certain page layouts and achieve specific designs without help from external developers.

participate.com career page editing
participate.com careers page two column

Understanding theme classes and writing custom HTML allowed me to make adjustments where needed to deliver the best display possible

Plugin integration

I created a robust contact form that integrated with SalesForce to push leads into relevant pipelines. I wrote query strings that allowed me to set up a web-to-lead stream that sent our sales team a steady flow of leads from the new website.

Gravity Forms web-to-lead string
Gravity Forms form on participate.com

Additional fields were added to the form to send qualified leads to the sales team and funnel interested teachers to the recruitment team.

Subdomain setup

I set up a subdomain for another department to serve as a catalog for print information to live in a more sustainable digital format. I wrote documentation so their team could manage this information on their own.

Subdomain support page
Subdomain documentation

My documentation outlines the 2-8-2 column effect I built on each page to reduce line length.

Desktop and mobile views of vifprogram.com

Prior to the company's rebrand, I worked with the design team to manage their latest website in Wordpress.

Start Your Journey

The theme featured travel-centric design elements and rustic textures. I built on the design lead's vision to provide new photo sections, page elements and infographics for the site as it grew.

Teacher Resources team page view for vifprogram.com
CET position page view for vifprogram.com

The design theme focused on warm colors and team support to build a strong experience

Taking the reins

Prior to Wordpress, the company used Joomla to manage its web applications, so I had experience with page builders, plugins and dashboard management. I was able to quickly design and build new pages, fine-tune HTML elements and propose new features.

Mockups and design flow ideation

A proposed change for possible sub-navigation designs


Managing design and production of the site gave me the experience I would need to take on more development responsibilities with the company.

vifprogram.com home page view
vifprogram.com teach page
vifprogram.com application requirements page
vifprogram.com professional development infographic

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